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The Top Ten Things You Need to know before Getting a Pug

September 03, 2016

As you cannot jump to conclusions as to what kind of an individual a Japanese is just because you saw and met a couple good natured Japanese on your vacation in Japan some time ago, you cannot conclude the individual traits — temperament, behavior, disposition, and health condition — of ‘your pug’ just because you have known about its bloodline and seen its mother and other siblings who’ve behaved extremely decently. Each dog, whether it’s a pug or a poodle, has its own behavioral patterns and, like people, change over time. Having this understanding certainly makes things look less problematic if at all, God forbid, your pug happens to behave like a cuss.

The Things:

1) Though it looks small in size, a pug is reputed to be ‘Multum in Parvo’ which means ‘much in a small space’. So, bear in mind that it’s a breed of dog that is almost equal to a medium-sized dog, and though it looks clownish with its comical face, it has got energy that beats any dog. Experts say that forgetting its size and brought up, this dog tries to fight with dogs of larger size, like a bantam chick breed, and, of course, ultimately loses, often with deep nips and cuts. So, if your pug has to move with some other dogs of different sizes, you need to keep a constant eye on it.

2) A pug is a family dog: needs people all around and expects to be pampered quite frequently. So, if you have no time for being with it for some time every day, especially when you return from a long absence, or if there is no one in the house for long or until you get back from work, this dog is not for you. They are not so docile nor are they so lazy that they are content with letting you tickle or croon for a while, and then you settle on a sofa with a hot cup of coffee and a newspaper or a laptop and your pug sits beside you snoozing all the time. No. Though they take breaks quite a few times more than most dogs, they do need some recreating activities for themselves. They try to ‘arouse’ you as if suggesting that you need to get up and do something pro-active! And if disappointed repeatedly, their mental agony reflects more on their already well-expressive face which may make them look miserable and it may affect their behavioural pattern.

3) The toy dogs are known for being yappy and snappy, and a pug is not an exception.Though not so much ‘talkative’ as their competitors, pugs do bark. So if you live in a crowded apartment and your pug keeps barking every time it hears a noise, the neighbors might have a hell of time and, consequently, you might be held responsible for its vocal talents.

4) As they are sensitive dogs bred to be more accommodative than most other dogs, a pug dog owner must always remember that he/she should not rush his/her pug. Even though pugs are regal in their own right, they are dogs, after all, and like many other breeds, they too like to ‘taste’ undesirable things, things that we think are undesirable. So when you see your pug picking up something that shouldn’t be picked up, you shouldn’t get into a fit of anger and start shouting, ‘Hey, drop it… No, drop it… drop it… you dirty dog… you mongrel’ or something like that with an expression of disgust on your face because, the next time, before you start the drill, your pug swallows the ‘bug’ for fear of losing something that it has been wanting to do for a long time. So, if you can’t be so observant, cool and consistent in your temperament, a pug is not the kind of dog you should have.

5) Pugs are known to be ‘swatters’ and ‘lickers’. They are so tactile that they need to be touched, tickled and held close to you more frequently than you need to do with any other breed. And, if neglected for relatively long periods, probably for a day in pug’s terms, they try to get your attention by yapping, of course, and by nipping. As one expert opined, they are ‘swatters’: they try to use their paws more like hands, and to get your attention, they try to swat you with their paws, which at times might hurt you or more damaging is that it might make you annoyed, which in turn, results in your neglecting your pug and, ultimately, your pug’s craving for your attention grows stronger and stronger, and ultimately, your adorable pug becomes unbearable to you, your family and neighbours. They are lickers and like to lick you, especially your face, when you keep it close enough. So, if you’re a person who doesn’t like to be licked, even by your lovable pug, it’s better you discourage that habit by keeping your pug at a respectable distance all the time and from the time it’s a puppy.

6) We do things and make opinions basing on our observations of others. So, when you see your neighbour or your friend treating their pug in way that looks more carefree, professional, and their  pug seems to be more sensible and intelligent than yours, you tend be disappointed and your love for your pug is short lived. That’s not a wise perspective you should have. As discussed earlier, each dog of the same breed has a different behavioural pattern though they all have some basic qualities that make them a breed apart. Your friend might have spent more time with his pug than you did with yours, or he/she may have given his pug the training it needed when it was a puppy. So, if you get irritated or disheartened at such incidents and treat your pug in those lines, you are not the right person for a pug because, pug or poodle, there must be a match between you and your pet!

7) Buying a pug, or any other breed of dog for that matter, is like buying a car. You know your budget, you know the purpose, you know the parking space you have at home and work place, etc. Though this is considered most important, you find this point at this number because, unless you know the consequential problems you face in having a pet, a pug in this case, you may not fathom the importance of buying only a “thoroughbred pug”. Most of the problems we discussed earlier that were against you in being the right person to have pet pug, would be lessened if you bought a pug from a genuine pug breeder.

The nearest Kennel Club, or a little search on Google, or a direct contact with any ‘Pug Dog Clubs’, gives you some insight into this issue of finding a ‘responsible’ pug breeders list. Depending on the demand, most breeders try to produce as many numbers as possible, run of the mill, you might say, often resorting to mal-practices, such as crossbreeding with inferior bloodlines or interbreeding with the stock they have on hand so that they can save time and money on going for pedigree dogs, which result in the dogs’ genetic behavioral and health problems, and the medical bills over time may run you into debts. So, even if you have to pay more, you will have peace of mind in the coming ten or twelve years, and you and your pug will have an enjoyable time with each other. And if you don’t have time for all these minute details, you better give up the idea of having a pet pug.

8) The notion that pug is an indoor breed doesn’t necessarily mean that pugs don’t need any physical and mental exercise. Most pugs get along well in confined surroundings, but because they tend to eat more and put on weight more easily than most other breeds, they need some physical exercise. You need to take your pug out for some time (and don’t forget to pick after your pug). Experts say that pug owners tend to make their pugs run just like they see others doing with other breeds. Pugs get over-heated soon because of their double-coat. Never, ever tie your pug’s leash to your bike and make him run along; he’s not a racer and is not suitable to take part in the dog Olympics. Very moderate exercise will be enough to keep him in shape. If you can’t do this simple act and if there is nobody to do this for you, you can’t be a responsible pug owner.

9) There is another very important point, which might seem silly to some, is the show-off tendencies in pug owners. Relatively, pugs are not very intelligent, and it doesn’t necessarily mean that they are duds. In fact, they are more sensitive and adaptable than most other intelligent breeds. Therefore, as a pug owner, you should not expect more ‘stunts’ from a pug. There may be some pug owners who teach them tricks that really amuse us. As was mentioned earlier, just because you saw your friend’s pug perform interesting tricks, it doesn’t mean that your pug should do all those tricks, too.

Have considered how good you’re at teaching dogs tricks? Moreover, you taught your pug a few tricks which your pet did very well before you and your family, but when you bragged to your friends about and tried to show your athletic pug, your beloved pet let you down before them by just walking away, showing his back side, and you were very much disappointed and went mad at your pug. This is the worst scenario in the relationship of an owner and a pet. Your disappointment drives you crazy and you develop a sort of apathy towards your pug and that leads to your neglecting your pet and your pet going nuts about being neglected, making the chasm even deeper. So, keep your emotions under control and let your pug have some free will.

10) You cannot have a pug, or any other dog, if you are allergic to dogs, a thing that most dog owners come to realize very late and find themselves hating their pets. This is much worse with pug owners because, pugs have a double-coat and shed a lot and being a lap dog and more tactile than most other dogs, the pug and the owner move very closely and the allergy gets worse. Therefore, instead of hating your pug for that, you can keep a couple of reusable lint rollers on hand and keep yourself and the places you spend with your pug clean. However, there are some dog owners who are allergic to dog saliva and urine, not just with the dog hair or ‘dander’, the dead skin flakes. If this is true in your case, you better stay away from your pug, or any other dog.

So, now that you’ve got a clear picture of what is needed to be a proud pug owner, I hope you have a wonderful time with your pug!


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